“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth,” 2 Timothy 2:15.
To live is to learn. As long as we are living and breathing; we are gathering new information, some good, some bad and other information is just neutral. If we want to learn a new skill, we either read the instructions, or take a class taught by an instructor. We can physically go to a class or google someone teaching on the subject we desire to learn. As long as one has the aptitude to learn a skill set; our world offers many venues in which to develop that skill.
The same is true of God’s Word. We can study to show ourselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth. Women and men, boys and girls can memorize and hide God’s Word in our hearts, so that we might not sin against Him. We can meditate on a passage of scripture, so that it will go deeply into our mind and heart. We have the option to find amazing teachers who can break it down for us but there is something about holding God’s Word in your hands, whether by i-phone, i-pad, computer or a hard copy of the Bible. As we pour over these inspired words, He pours life and hope into us, through the divine power of His Holy Spirit. His words are sweetness to the sour soul, light to the darkened heart, full of love for the one who feels unloved and wisdom to those who hunger and thirst to learn the ways of God.
Prayer in Motion:
Lord, may I always have the desire to learn from You. You are the Master Teacher. Along with head knowledge, we ask that You would give us a heart to understand and apply Your Word to our lives on a daily basis. We ask this in the powerful Name of our Lord Jesus and for His sake alone. Amen
Dear Libby, I felt led to write and say thank you. Your posts do inspire me. May God Bless you and your family. Please keep posting so that I may keep learning. Please keep me in your prayers. LeAnn
Thank you dear LeAnn. What a blessing to be encouraged by you on this day. I pray God will pour back into your heart 100 fold for taking the time to say thank you. Yes, I will pray for you sweet one! Jesus, please meet LeAnn at her point of need. Pour out blessings upon her so that there is not room enough to receive them. Grant her the desires of her heart. Heal her wounds and disappointments and answer her prayers and petitions. In Jesus Name, I offer up this prayer. LeAnn, Have the best Thanksgiving ever! God bless you!