Hey friends!
Well, I had a great experience today and I just have to tell you about it. I was walking into Kroger and I saw this very attractive lady coming out with her buggy, (yeees, it’s a buggy in Mississippi, not a basket!)haha, and she was smiling and just looked very happy. And as soon as I passed her, I heard, “Is your name, Lisa?” And I turned around and it was her! I said, “Yes, it is.” She asked, “Lisa Rippy?,” and I said, “That’s right,” and she said, “I’m Zee, and we’ve never met but…” and before she could complete her sentence, we were standing right there in the Kroger entrance hugging each other because I said, “Oh, Zee!! Hey! I know you from facebook.” You see, Zee Dean and I have made a (what I would call) a real sister-hood bond just through facebook. And when I saw her today, I FINALLY got to see the real Zee and let me tell you, she is more gorgeous and just radiant with the love of Christ than her sweet little profile picture shows! It was just a huge deal to finally get to meet her!
And if that wasn’t enough …. I met a lady at Cups and she and I talked for 2 1/2 hours! She is a new business partner and after our visit this morning, she quickly became a friend! I left Cups with my own “overflowing cup” of sheer joy because y’all, it’s just something at my age, I can’t take for granted and that is how God is so good at making sure certain folks paths cross.
Well, here we are already at the FINANCIAL REST category — how’s this going so far for you, friend? Are these lessons on living in R.E.S.T. helping you to really begin living in Sabbath rest – in the rest we inherited and just slow down, go against the idols of the culture, and find total rest in God, in His Word and in His all-loving presence?
Here’s our video for Financial rest. And below is the PDF or WORD document that is the listening guide for this video if you’d like it.
A Home at Rest – Financial Rest PDF
A Home at Rest – Financial Rest WORD
This is Dr. Tony Evan’s message I mentioned in my video to you 🙂