A Bible Israelite

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“And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not,”  Deuteronomy 8:2.

What does it mean to be a Bible Israelite?  I read that statement in Lisa Whittle’s, “I Want God.”  It really put my mind in examination mode. Have I, like the Israelites; forgotten God? These Bible Israelites became stubborn, halfhearted and fat on life  Lisa says: “When we are comfortable; we are in danger of forgetting the spiritual lessons God has taught us.”  We are humbled when we recall the lack and remember how He provided manna right at the time we needed it.

May we not forget the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

I want to walk with a fresh realization that God is always for me and not against me.  I want to remember the numerous times He’s delivered me out of a dry desert, and placed me right in an oasis, complete with a river full of provision.  

The further we journey down life’s road do we tend to forget God’s miraculous provisions any time we find ourselves circling back around through the desert?  Do we murmur and bring our complaints to the Lord our God?

God never tires of hearing us pour out our heart like water before His face, however, He wants us to remember how He brought us through previously.  Over and over He calls us to repentance and bids us to come back to our first love.

Prayer in Motion:

God, please help me never forget my first love.  May I remember all the times you have rescued me from the desert, to Your life giving Oasis.

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Libby Williams

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