Hi there friend!
I hope your Monday has gone great….ok, has gone good…ok, maybe just fine? Or has it been plum terrible? Whatever kind of day this has been for you, I get it! Mine has been “interesting”….I’ll say that much. But here I sit, with my computer on my lap, looking out the window watching a storm blow in and all I can think is… “thank you Lord, for getting me through this day” … and how I would love a warm bowl of peach cobbler ala’ mode!
But if you are reading this, I just want you to know how thankful I am you have chosen to go deeper into God’s Word with me in studying these 7 habits of a BEATIFIC household.
Now, as wives, mothers and homemakers, we long to have homes that experience the “Happy from Heaven” – the “bountiful beatific blessings of God.” We already learned that Beatific is the happy where we have the smile of glorious and divine blessings on our life. If there is one area of our life that is paramount to our living beatifically, it is an area that we may not really give much thought to. I know for me, that’s the case because with my busy self, always going from one thing to another, I can honestly admit I sometimes neglect. But while studying on “Habit #3 – Enjoyment,” I am beginning to see just why this one habit really needs to become an attitude, a way of life for me, for all of us.
And that is .. enjoying God.
Truly enjoying our Heavenly Father.
He has allowed many things in our life as His children to simply enjoy from Him – our family and friends and even our work. He’s given us ministries to enjoy, too – the ministry of home, local church ministries, community ministries, etc. . He has given us nature, animals, pets and landscapes to simply enjoy. And He has also given us “time” to take for the enjoyment of play, as we talked about in the blog video.
But for our Bible study time, I really want to go to a special place with you – a special place in God’s Word where we find the sheer enjoyment of HIM! And here’s why … I need us to “clump together” the two Habits of Enjoyment and Caring. If you haven’t watched the Habit videos on Habit #3 Enjoyment and Habit #4 Caring, then you may want to hop over to the blog and watch those first – the ones where I am not with a friend, just sharing on the habit themselves.
But truth is – we take “caring” to a whole new level, to a whole new expression when we are FIRST children of God who enjoy Him. Who enjoy His constant presence in our life.
To me, the BEATIFIC Household that I long for, you long for, in our homes…comes as we are first, people who truly have time in their lives when they are “enjoying God, enjoying His promises, enjoying His provisions, enjoying His nature, His goodness, His faithfulness.” Enjoying our Lord for WHO HE IS.
When THAT happens as a habit of our life, our habits of Caring are magnified! They are energized! They are so personalized, too, by the person of His Holy Spirit. You become what you worship and when we worship Him, our caring for others is greatly enriched!
So, when you log back in to the MEMBERS area on Tuesday (June 14), you will find a video lesson on the Habit of Enjoyment and the Habit of Caring as one lesson. It will be titled –
“7HHH – Enjoyment and Caring Bible Study”
You will definitely need your bibles and the PDF that will be posted with tomorrow’s study time. And you may want two colored pens or pencils, because I would love to ask you to underline ENJOYING GOD verses in BLUE and CARING verses in GREEN or PINK.
Have a wonderful Monday evening!