300,000 Miles

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300,000 miles – Rip hit that today in his Avalanche truck that he bought in 2004, and he sent me a photo of it as soon as he did because, for me …

That 300,000 miles happened because of so many selfless and humble reasons.

Rip puts our 5 kids before himself. And not just our kids, but our parents, too. Buying for and meeting needs for THEM means more to him than they possibly could ever know!








That 300,000 miles represents getting more summer jobs to help buy vehicles. It meant putting in overtime to make sure there was plenty food in the house and all 5 were on our health and dental and vision benefits plan. It meant he and I would pressure wash houses after an 8 hour work day so our kiddos had hair products, toiletries, clothes, shoes, watches and phones, gas, haircuts, oil changes, vehicles, new tires, and never ran out of anything they needed.



That 300,000 miles meant ball games mattered and so did supper after the games at the local Mexican restaurant to celebrate.

That 300,000 miles meant subway sandwiches delivered to school when the cafeteria was having hamburger surprise!

That 300,000 miles says paying off kids vehicles meant more than buying anything for himself. And it meant he’d rather see his family & friends have what they need (and sometimes just want). You just can’t hit 300,000 miles any other way than being selfless, giving, sacrificing, nonmaterialistic, and not a smidgin’ of “me, myself, and I” factored into what’s really important in life.


I love that he sent me this picture today because as soon as I saw it I didn’t just notice the obvious … that truck of his is old and full of miles! No, I looked at that number and saw the most unselfish human being I’ve ever known!!!

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lisa rippy

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