“Daddy, may I?” The sound of a small high pitched voice of a child got my attention last Saturday at the Farmers Market. She wanted a taste of the honey a marketer was selling and even though he was handing her a sample, she still took that split second of a submissive spirit to look up, and ask her Daddy if it would be ok? Her daddy looked at her and said, “Sure honey.” (he meant a little pun!!), but then what stole my heart was what happened next –
With her eyes still locked on her daddy, she said to him,
“Thank you, Daddy.”
Then she turned and took a sampling of some delicious honey and enjoyed EVERY smooth bit of it. She enjoyed it immensely!!! Her smile. Her wide eyes. Her looking back up to her daddy with a look on her face that seemed to say, “This is more than I imagined!”, and then how she looked at the marketer who gave her the honey and said, “this is yummy!”… well, I took away something in that “almost missed moment.” I took away the recognition of something so simple, yet so impactful – the joy and simplicity in wanting the Father’s permission.
As adults we don’t really seek permission as we did when we were a child. But as God’s child, there is such a tenderness in our whole relationship, such a softness in being submissive to Him, when we slow down, (even when something very yummy is right in our face), and we ask,
“Daddy, may I?”
And then we wait. Just wait. Yet, prayerfully. Through His Word, in prayer, and at just the right time He will grant permission, or not. Either way, when we’ve come to a place of such great intimacy with God, an intimacy that gladly takes on the position of seeking permission, we then get to experience what the Word of God calls, “sanctification” … being made more and more in the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.
“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,” 1 Thessalonians 5:23.
We will talk so much more about what sanctification is, what it looks like in our life, and why that is such an intimate word in our walk with God in our next Bible study. And why saying, “Thank You,” touches Christ’s heart so so much!!
But in this video, I share with you the 5 key areas of our life that is affected the most when we grow in having greater intimacy with God. I hope you’ll share this post with your family and friends and invite them to join us starting November 18th for a 5 week bible study, “Greater Intimacy with God.”